Create unforgettable family memories at NYKŠČIO NAMAI, where you will enjoy quality time together in an environment designed for relaxation and communication. The price of the stay includes a delicious buffet breakfast, the opportunity to visit the spa area and enjoy free entertainment!
Family vacation 2+1* from 159** Eur/2 nights stay. A child under 18 years of age goes on vacation for free. Each additional family member (from 18 years) in the room – 20 Eur/night.
*The price applies to a stay in a standard double room with a delivered bed. Maximum number of children – 2. Stay in a deluxe room +15 Eur/night.
**When staying longer – each additional night will cost only 65 Eur (2+1), 75 Eur (2+2) in a standard double room.
The price does not include the city fee.
The offer is valid ONLY on WORKING DAYS from VII to V.
More information:
+370 655 43379